What can coaching help me with?
Make a step towards your future
When we suffer from anxiety it can be a sign that there is something inside us that needs to change. Especially if it overwhelms us and stops us from behaving as we would like to. Sometimes we can feel this in the body before we really ‘know’ it with our rational mind. Certain situations may trigger our anxiety. Walking through these triggers with a coach can make us better able to move forward through events that are particularly charged for us.
In our modern busy lives it can be hard to make space for ourselves, let alone our thoughts. Our jobs can often dominate our lives and our sense of self. It is easy to fall into the trap of constantly trying to over-achieve or show others how busy and productive we are being even if our health and wellbeing is suffering as a result. This can often hamper us in achieving our goals rather than bringing us closer towards them. Getting some perspective on what is truly important to us through coaching can help us avoid stress and burnout in our work lives and help us to make better choices about how we work.
A feeling of being ‘stuck’ can be a common reaction in those who come to coaching. Perhaps we have tried the old ways of coping with life’s difficulties and nothing seems to be working anymore or we have undergone a search looking far and wide for a ‘magic bullet’ that might help. Coaching can lead us towards our own solutions and instead of looking for a lottery win to our problems we can find what what we are really looking for within ourselves and learn to tune in to those answers we already have but are struggling to hear.
Stepping into your life story
It all begins with a story. We all have stories about our life that we carry with us. Sometimes we can carry stories from the past that are no longer helpful or even stories that are not our own. Coaching helps us to build new stories which can replace the ones which are no longer serving us and help us to step into the version of ourselves we would like to be in the world.
Apart and a part
When we feel wounded or hurt we may feel we want to isolate ourselves or make ourselves super strong so we can never feel injured again. Maybe we build a kind of mental castle around ourselves. Perhaps we refuse any help from outside and wish to ‘soldier on’ in our suffering. That feeling of being wounded can sometimes take over, we can get so used to feeling that way that it ends up being how we navigate ourselves in the world. Coaching can help us to reach out for help and break down some of the walls that stop us from interacting with others and isolating ourselves. Opening some doorways to our castle and giving us more freedom to choose when we open and close those doors.
Life building
Whether we have experienced a childhood trauma that has negatively impacted us, a long term illness, an addiction we have come through or we are just feeling ‘stuck’ and need a new way forward. Coaching can help us to find a wider perspective view of our lives. It can help us to see and explore our own solutions which we may have not been able to uncover amongst the noise, activity and distractions around us. In coaching we strive to give clients the guidance and opportunity to make their own deep foundations which our clients can continue to build on further beyond their time in coaching. Helping clients to have long - lasting resources to draw on in the rest of their lives and to make meaningful changes which will help them to thrive well into the future.